Residential Services
Residential Services allows for staff to work with the consumer in their home to support activities that facilitate an individual’s ability to perform functional living skills and other activities of daily living. Foster/Companion Care may be provided to a consumer in the natural home after the age of 18 or else outside the natural family home at any age. Supervised living/ Residential Support Services is provided in a 3 or 4 bed group home setting.
Day Habilitation
Partnering with the Impact Center in Bay City, Texas our day habilitation program provides participants assistance with acquiring, retaining or improving self-help, socialization and adaptive skills necessary to live successfully in the community and participate in home and community life.
Supported Employment
Supported Employment is provided in an integrated work setting (that is, a job site where generally no more than one employee or three percent of the employees have disabilities) by staff that focus on training and building natural supports so the consumer may be successful in their position.
Respite provides for the planned or emergency short-term relief of the unpaid caregiver of a participant.
Professional & Technical Supports
• Skilled nursing • Behavioral supports • Physical and occupational therapy • Dietary • Speech and language pathology • Audiology • Minor home modifications • Adaptive aids • Dental treatment